Welcome to
Know His Love
Our Website is temporarily down while we make some changes. In the meantime if you would like to contact Wayne, schedule a speaking engagement, or purchase resources from Know His Love Ministries please use the links below. Thank you for your patience and we hope you’ll come back soon!
Welcome to
Know His Love
Our Website is temporarily down while we make some changes. In the meantime if you would like to contact Wayne, schedule a speaking engagement, or purchase resources from Know His Love Ministries please use the links below. Thank you for your patience and we hope you’ll come back soon!
Welcome to
Know His Love
Our Website is temporarily down while we make some changes. In the meantime if you would like to contact Wayne, schedule a speaking engagement, or purchase resources from Know His Love Ministries please use the links below. Thank you for your patience and we hope you’ll come back soon!

Contact Wayne
What is God’s commission to you and me? “Line by Line – A Biblical Analysis of Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones,” seeks to redirect believers to Christ’s methods. Do you identify by your “feelings,” or by who Christ says you are? LGBT+ identified people hold the value and recognition of Christ, equal to every other human being. What are you willing to do for Jesus? Read how God’s hand of mercy has extended well beyond Adventism to all who will respond to His still small voice. Their testimonies will touch your hearts.
Our new tract is back from the printer and ready ship. These are in standard “Glow” Tract size and perfect for church literature racks and sharing.
“Journey Interrupted” relays the testimonies of four people who found God’s ways to be more important than their “natural” desires. In addition, Anna tells of the challenge she faces as she considers Jesus, and her story of brokenness and the damage that resulted. You can view the trailer HERE